Adelaide Therapist & Communication Skills for Leaders

The Overwhelmed Woman

Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone..

How many times have you felt overwhelmed recently? Once or twice? Every week? Every day? Over the last year, most of us could admit to feeling this way and that’s understandable given the circumstances we’ve found ourselves in, but if that crushing feeling is becoming an all too familiar experience, then you could be at risk of burnout.

2020 was a very difficult year for all of us but despite the global pandemic, many of us are struggling to cope with life’s seemingly unending list of commitments, tasks and expectations. Our role includes mother, working woman, partner, daughter and friend, not to mention, cook, cleaner, dog-walker, taxi-service, carer, gardener, the list goes on. Life can feel like a military operation and it only takes the slightest glitch in the schedule and the whole mission falls apart, leaving us feeling like a failure. But it doesn’t have to be like this. There are steps you can take that will help you see yourself differently, care for yourself better and prioritise more effectively.

Are you an Overwhelmed woman?

6 Practices for the Overwhelmed Woman

  1. Remember, emotions are temporary. There may be times when you experience dark emotions but it’s important to remember there’s an ebb and flow to your feelings and by allowing yourself to feel your feelings without judging them, you can allow those negative feelings to pass through you instead of holding on to them.
  2. Don’t compare yourself to others. When we compare ourselves to others, we often compare ourselves to a fantasy version of other people, comparing our flawed selves to their perceived strengths. Acknowledge your strengths, work on your limitations and appreciate your individuality.
  3. Praise progress, not perfection. Fact: no one is perfect. Instead of focussing on perfection, focus on progress. Celebrate your successes, and view your mistakes as a learning opportunity. Let go of the idea of being Superwoman. It won’t make you a failure. It can actually give you the space to focus on what really matters to you instead of trying to please everyone else.
  4. Identify your values. Take some time to reflect on what really matters to you and make sure you are living with integrity. By living in this way, you can prioritise what matters to you instead of trying to be everything to everyone.
  5. Be kind to yourself. Practicing kind self-talk and self-care can make a big difference to how you cope with stress. Make time for yourself. Speak kindly to yourself. Take care of yourself in the ways that nurture you. It could be walking, exercising, reading, catching up with a friend. You will be more effective both professionally and personally if you take care of yourself.
  6. Every Superwoman has her kryptonite. Even the most superhuman people fall ill and if you keep pushing yourself, you’ll eventually suffer not just physically but emotionally and even spiritually. Don’t wait until a crisis to realise you’ve taken on too much. You don’t need to be superwoman to prove you’re good enough. Create realistic expectations and stick to them. Your body, mind and spirit will thank you for it.
6 practices for the overwhelmed woman

If you’d like some help, book your first session today with The Inspired Mind and together we can come up with some inspired ways to ensure you leave that overwhelmed feeling behind – for good. Call 8431 9100 today.

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